More about Moonlines
The Moonlines project explores the combination of minimalist forms and basic rules to create complex images of interfering lines creating an effect commonly known as Moiré.
It uses a simplistic approach to combine 4 sets of parallel lines and a main shape in its center.
The overlapping and intersection of slightly slanted lines can generate beautiful interferences that result in pleasing Moiré effects.
Combining 4 sets of parallel lines
Each set of lines is defined by 3 parameters:
- A minimum width
- A maximum width
- A spacing ratio
- A length determined by a Perlin noise function dependent of the line’s position
These parameters will determine the lines position and length across the horizontal axis:

Four sets of lines of different sizes are generated and randomly rotated by 90 degrees angles around the canvas.
This rotations allow multiple results:

To create a Moiré effect, a slight random angle is applied to each set of lines.
Adding colors will enhance the effect.

Adding the main shape
To give the piece some interesting content, a simplistic shape is added on top of the combinations of lines.
Six shapes are available:

The main shape is added on the center of the canvas and the content behind it gets its colors inverted.

Splatters and black tape
In order to accentuate the raw and organic effect of the series, I wanted to add splatters and a black tape, a bit like an old redacted secret document.
The splatters effects is achieved by adding randomly placed and sized black circles meanwhile the black tapes are just strong black rectangles, which can sometimes have the transaction seed printed on it.
Combining all these elements gives us the final result: